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Arching Narwhale, 1979 by Josephie Padluq (b. 1938)

Arching Narwhale, 1979 by Josephie Padluq (b. 1938)

Regular price $2,800.00 Sale

Arching Narwhale, 1979
by Josephie Padluq (b. 1938)
Kinngait (Cape Dorset), Nunavut, Canada
soapstone, antler
13” high x 21” long x 7” deep

Josephie Padluq was born in 1938 in the arctic community of Kimmirut (Lake Harbour), Nunavut, Canada.

Padluq has exhibited widely including exhibitions at Canadian Guild of Crafts, Quebec, Canada, Baffin Regional School, Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut, Canada, among other prominent galleries. He is included in public collection of Luther College, Decorah, Rothmans Permanent Collection of Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec, Canada.


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