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Northwest Coast
Northwest Coast
Prints and Paintings
Northwest Coast Jewelry
Northwest Coast Other
Pottery and Textiles
Southwest Jewelry
Southwest Other
Fetish and Animal Carvings
Arctic Art
Arctic Art
Antler and Bone Carvings
Ivory Carvings
Soapstone Carvings
Inuit Prints
Wood Carvings
Perry Private Collection
Historic and Vintage
Contemporary Art
Contemporary Art
Greg A. Robinson, Chinook Nation
Mexican and Latin American
Southwest Jewelry
Northwest Jewelry
Arctic Jewelry
Mexican Jewelry
Other Jewelry
Consignment Information
Consignment Information
Consignment Information
Rose Estate Collection
Sterett Estate Collection
Hanson Private Collection: Session I
Hanson Private Collection: Session II
Beckman Private Collection
Now Online and By Appointment! Contact us at or 503-810-7525
New Arrivals
Northwest Coast
Prints and Paintings
Northwest Coast Jewelry
Northwest Coast Other
Pottery and Textiles
Southwest Jewelry
Southwest Other
Fetish and Animal Carvings
Arctic Art
Antler and Bone Carvings
Ivory Carvings
Soapstone Carvings
Inuit Prints
Wood Carvings
Perry Private Collection
Historic and Vintage
Contemporary Art
Greg A. Robinson, Chinook Nation
Mexican and Latin American
Southwest Jewelry
Northwest Jewelry
Arctic Jewelry
Mexican Jewelry
Other Jewelry
Consignment Information
Consignment Information
Rose Estate Collection
Sterett Estate Collection
Hanson Private Collection: Session I
Hanson Private Collection: Session II
Beckman Private Collection
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20 Dibujos de Jose Clemente Orozco
Acoma Pottery
Acoma Pueblo
Adolph Shagloak
Alfred Lomahquahu
Alfredo Zalce Mexico
Alvin Curran
American Indian Basket
Antique American Indian Basket
Antique Lillooet Basket
Antique Mexican Cross
Antique Mexican Silver
Antique Native American Basket
Antique Salish Basket
Antique Silver Box
Arctic Art
Arctic Artist
Arctic mask
Arctic masks
Aurelia Suina
Ballad of the Streetcar
Beadwork Earrings
Berry Basket
Bill Reid Haida
Birds on Coral Branch
Bisbee Turquoise Ring
Black Onyx
Blue Corn
Bone jewelry
Brass Earrings
Brutalist Earrings
Bryan Amos Cup’ig
Buddhist Hand Gestures
Buddhist Mudras
Butterfly Kachina
Calvin Martinez
Camel Bone Necklace
Cape Dorset Print
Cape Dorset Print Collection
Carol Velarde Santa Clara Peublo
Carolyn Concho
Cartoon Art
Catedral de la Habana Leopoldo Mendez
Charles Navasie
Cheryl Beyuka Zuni
Chicano Art
Claudia Peina
Clay Hand Sculpture
Clip Earrings
Coast Salish Carving
Cochiti Pueblo
Contemporary Art
Contemporary Hispanic Art
Contemporary Mexican Art
Contemporary Mexican Print
Contemporary Sculpture
Copper Canoe Woman
Coral and Turquoise Ring
Coral Bracelet
Cormorant Carving
Corrido de los Tranvias
Cree Art
Dale Faulstich Artist
Dancing Bear Carving
Dangle Earrings
Daniel Tiburcio
David Alfaro Siqueiros
David Boxley
David Boxley 40 Years
David Boxley Tsimshian
Davidialuk Alasua Amittu
Deborah Duwyenie Santa Clara
Delores Curran Santa Clara
Delvin Leekya Zuni
Dena M. Suina
Dennis Daubs Jemez and San Ildefonso
Dennis Pungowiyi
Diane Lucero
Diego Rivera
Dogfish Mother Print
Dolores Reyes
Dora Tse-Pe
Dorothy Gutierrez
Eagle Warrior Mask
Edwin Nunguk
Egyptian Jewelry
El Taller De Grafica Popular
Elizabeth Medina
Elsie Thomas
Ergil Vallo
Ernest Rangel
Eskimo Bone Carving
Eskimo Carving
Eskimo Ivory Carving
Eskimo Polar Bear Carving
Eskimo Shaman Carving
Eskimo Spirit Mask
Eskimo Spirit Mask Carving
Eskimo Spirit Masks
Esteban Najera Zuni
Eugene Tiulana Carver
Eusebia Shije Zia Pueblo
Fannie Pollaca Nampeyo
First Nation Art
First Nation Basketry
First Nation Carving
First Nation Drum
First Nation Eagle
First Nation Eagle Bowl
First Nation Eagle Panel
First Nation Eagle Totem
First Nation Earrings
First Nation Frog
First Nation Mask
First Nation Panel
First Nation Print
First Nations Jewelry
First Nations Mask
First Nations Pendant
Fletcher Healing
Flo Yepa Jemez Pueblo
Fossil Ivory Carving
Fossil Ivory Polar Bear
fossil ivory seal
Francis Mark
Francisco Castro Leñero
Fred Begay
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo Art
Frida Kahlo Folk Art
Garry Wilson Haisla
George Hunt Carving
George Hunt Jr. Kwakwaka'wakw
George Pennier Mask
Gerardo Lopez Taxco
Gino Seward
Gladys Paquin
Grabado de Mexico
Grace Medicine Flower
Grafitti Art
Greenland Inuit
Guatemala Huipil
Guatemala Textile
Haida Art
Haida Dogfish
Haida Grizzly Bill Reid
Haida Grizzly Silkscreen
Haida Portrait Mask
Haida Print
Hand stamped silver box
Harold Davidson Carving
Harold Davidson Navajo
Harry Schooner Bella Coola
Heishi Necklace
Helen Gutierrez
Helen Shulpa
Henry Hunt Kwakwaka'wakw
Herbert Halate Zuni
Ho-Chunk Nation
Hopi Kachina
Hopi Necklace
Hopi pottery
Hopi Pueblo
Hopi Ring
Hopi Tewa
Howard LaFortune Jr. Coast Salish
Hunting in the Summer Davidialuk
Indian Mountain Turquoise
Inuit Art
Inuit Bird
Inuit Caribou Antler Carving
Inuit Print
Inuit Sculpture
Inuit Walrus
Inupiaq Carving
Inupiaq Spirit Mask
Isleta Pottery
Isleta Pueblo
Italian Brutalist Jewelry
Jackson Beardy Print
Jemez Pottery
Jemez Pueblo
Jerome Saclamana
Jerrold Tahe
Jim Charlie Coast Salish
Joe David Nuu-Chah-Nulth
Joe David Print
John Gonzalez
Jose Chavez Morado
Jose Clemente Orozco
Josefina Aguilar artist
Juana Leno
Kaali Inuit Carving
Ken Mowatt Gitksan
Kenojuak Ashevak
Kerry David
King and Queen Painting
Kingman Turquoise
Klickitat Basket
Koshare Clown
Koshare Kachina
koshari clown figure
Kwakwaka'wakw Art
Kwakwaka'wakw Carving
Kwakwaka'wakw Jewelry
Kwakwaka'wakw Mask
Kwakwaka'wakw Paddle
Kwakwaka'wakw Pugwis Mask
Kwakwaka'wakw Sea Monster Mask
Kwakwaka'wakw Thunderbird
La Risa Del Pueblo
Laguna Pueblo
Large Lightweight Earrings
Larry Clark Inupiaq
Lee Brown
Leopoldo Medez
Leopoldo Mendez
Leopoldo Mendez Artist
Leopoldo Mendez Mexico
Leslie Bitsie Jr. Beadwork
Longhair Kachina
Lorraine Chinana Jemez Pueblo
Los Castillo
Los Castillo Necklace
Los Castillos
Los Castillos Bracelet
Los Castillos Jewelry
Los Castillos Taxco
Makah Basket
Maribel Portela Artist
Maribel Portela Sculpture
Marlin Honhongva
Martin Montoya Artist
Martin Montoya New Mexico
Mary Small Jemez
Mata Ortiz Pottery
Mata Ortiz Pueblo
Matl Poulat
Max Pruneda New Mexico
Max Pruneda Sculpture
Maximilliano Pruneda Artist
Mayoreak Ashoona
Mediterranean Coral
Mediterranean Coral Bracelet
Mediterranean Coral Earrings
Melanie Tallmadge Sainz
Metlakatla Alaska
Mexican Abalone Bracelet
Mexican Art
Mexican Bracelet
Mexican Ceramic Art
Mexican Ceramics
Mexican Clamper Bracelet
Mexican Clay
Mexican Contemporary Clay
Mexican Dish
Mexican Earrings
Mexican Jewelry
Mexican Link Bracelet
Mexican Linocut Print
Mexican Linoleum Cut Print
Mexican Painting
Mexican Political Poster
Mexican Political Print
Mexican Print
Mexican Prints
Mexican Religious Art
Mexican Salad Fork and Spoon
mexican silver
Mexican Silver Box
Mexican Silver Bracelet
Mexican Silver Brooch
Mexican Silver Earrings
Mexican Silver Jewelry
Mexican Silver Necklace
Mexican Silver Pin
Mexican Social Justice Print
Mexican Woodblock Print
Mid Century Earrings
Middle Eastern Jewelry
Miniature Kachina
Mixed Media Sculpture
Modern Sterling Silver Earrings
Modernist Silver Pin
Nambe Pueblo
Naples Italy Jewelry
Native American Art
Native American Jewelry
Native American Porcupine
Native American Pottery
Native American Silver Necklace
Native American Turquoise Bracelet
Native American Turquoise Ring
Navajo Carving
Navajo Coral Ring
Navajo Earrings
Navajo Goat
Navajo Jewelry
Navajo Necklace
Navajo Sheep
Navajo Silver Box
Navajo Silver Ring
Navajo Turquoise Ring
Nona Naha
Nootka Basket
Norm Charlie Squamish
Northwest Basket
Northwest Coast
Northwest Coast Art
Northwest Coast art Nuu-Chah-Nulth
Northwest Coast Bear
Northwest Coast Bear Print
Northwest Coast Bella Bella
Northwest Coast Carving
Northwest Coast Copper
Northwest Coast Drum
Northwest Coast Eagle
Northwest Coast Eagle Bowl
Northwest Coast Eagle Earrings
Northwest Coast Eagle Totem
Northwest Coast Earrings
Northwest Coast Frog
Northwest Coast Frog Crest
Northwest Coast Jewelry
Northwest Coast Killer Whale
Northwest Coast Lovebird Earrings
Northwest Coast Mask
Northwest Coast Model Pole
Northwest Coast Moon
Northwest Coast Moon Mask
Northwest Coast Mosquito Headdress
Northwest Coast Mosquito Mask
Northwest Coast Orca
Northwest Coast Paddle
Northwest Coast Panel
northwest coast portrait mask
Northwest Coast Print
Northwest Coast Raven
Northwest Coast Raven Earrings
Northwest Coast Raven Print
Northwest Coast Salmon
Northwest Coast Silver Earrings
Northwest Coast Sun Mask
Northwest Coast Sun Pendant
Northwest Coast Totem
Northwest Coast Totem Pole
Northwest Coast Wolf
Northwest Coast Wolf Panel
Nubian Jewelry
Nuu Chah Nulth Basket
Nuu-Chah-Nulth Art
Nuvakchin Kachina
Oaxacan Clay Figures
Oaxacan Folk Art
Ojibwe Art
Old Pawn Jewelry
Old Pawn Ring
Old Style Hopi Kachina
Patrick Amos Nuu-Chah-Nulth
Personal Courage is Not Enough
Peter Gasper
Peter Smith Kwakwaka'wakw
Pharaoh Pendant
Plains Indian Beadwork
Porcupine Quill Bracelet
Porcupine Quill Jewelry
Portrait Mask
Povungnituk Print
Preston Duwyenie Hopi Pueblo
Rain god
Raven and Sky People
Raven Stealing The Sun
Ray Wadhams
Red Cedar Carving
Red Cedar Panel
Reycita Cosen
Robert Cleto Nichols
Robert Davidson Haida
Robert Davidson Print
Robert Vigil
Roberto Banuelos
Roland Bahnimptewa
Rose Chino Garcia Acoma Pueblo
Rosewood and Silver Salad Fork and Spoon
Salmon and Shaman Carving
San Felipe Pottery
San Felipe Pueblo
San Ildefonso Pottery
San Ildefonso Pueblo
San Juan Pottery
San Juan Pueblo
Sandcast Jewelry
Santa Clara Pottery
Santa Clara Pueblo
Santa claus
Santo Domingo
Scotty Skeets
Serpent Dancer Print
Shamanic Art
Sigi Pineda Brooch
Sigi Pineda Collar
Sigi Pineda Jewelry
Sigi Pineda Necklace
Sigi Pineda Pin
Silver and Onyx
Silver Bracelet
Snow Owl Carving
Sonoran Gold Turquoise
Southwest Bracelet
Southwest Jewelry
Southwest Kachina
Southwest Pot
Southwest Pottery
Southwest Turquoise Ring
Spanish Market Santa Fe
Spanish Market Santa Fe New Mexico
Spirit mask
Spirit Mask Pin
Spratling Silver Box
Statement Earrings
Stella Teller
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver Bracelet
Sterling Silver Dangles
Sterling silver disc earrings
Sterling Silver Earrings
Sterling Silver Hook Earrings
Stonecut and Stencil Print
Storyteller Doll
Susan Folwell Santa Clara Pueblo
Talavera Coffee Pot
Talavera Pottery
Taller de Grafica Popular
Taos Pottery
Taos Pueblo
Taxco Silver Box
Taxco Silver Earrings
Taxco Silver Jewelry
Taxco Silver Necklace
Taxco Silver Pin
Tesuque Pueblo
Tesuque Rain God
TGP Print
The Laughter of the People Zalce
Thomas Charlie
Thomas Polacca
Tim Alfred Artist
Tim Alfred Kwakwaka'wakw
Tom Akeya
Tony Dallas
Tony Gutierrez
Transference Kenojuak Ashevak
Tsimshian Art
Tufa Cast
Tupilak Carving
Turquoise Bracelet
Turquoise Chunks
Turquoise Earrings
turquoise necklace
Two Girls Making Rope Leopoldo Mendez
Valor Personal No Es Suficiente
Vina Brown
Vintage Egyptian Jewelry
Vintage Eskimo Art
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Carving
Vintage Linocut Print
Vintage Mexican Broadside
Vintage Mexican Brooch
Vintage Mexican Pin
Vintage Mexican Poster
Vintage Mexican Print
Vintage Mexican Silver Jewelry
vintage Native American Jewelry
Vintage Native American Ring
Vintage Navajo Bracelet
Vintage Navajo Ring
Vintage Navajo Turquoise Ring
Vintage Northwest Coast Art
Vintage Northwest Coast Mask
Vintage Polar Bear Carving
Vintage Salad Fork and Spoon
Vintage Siver Collar
Vintage Taxco Silver
Vintage Turquoise Ring
Vintage Yup'ik Ivory Carving
Vintage Zuni Jewelry
Vintage Zuni Ring
Vintage Zuni Thunderbird
Vintage Zuni Yei Ring
Walrus and Bird 1994
Walrus Ivory Carving
Walrus Ivory Charm
walrus ivory seal
Walter Amos
Warrior Mask
Waterbird Jackson Beardy
Welcome Dancer Print
William Spratling
Wolf bowl
wood chandelier earrings
Woodlands Art
Yellow Cedar Panel
Yup'ik Bone Carving
Yup'ik Carving
Yup'ik Ivory Carving
Yup'ik Shaman Carving
Yup'ik Shaman Mask
Yup'ik Walrus Ivory Carving
Yupik Mask
Zia Pottery
Zia Pueblo
Zuni Bear Fetish
Zuni Bird Carving
Zuni Bird Fetish
Zuni Eagle Carving
Zuni Eagle Fetish
Zuni Earrings
Zuni Fetish Carving
Zuni Frog Fetish
Zuni Jewelry
Zuni Kachina Ring
Zuni Necklace
Zuni Pueblo
Zuni Raven Carving
Zuni Ring
Zuni Thunderbird Ring
Zuni Yei Ring
189 products
Best Selling
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Alphabetically, Z-A
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Price, high to low
Date, new to old
Date, old to new
Killer Whale Moon and Sun Mask by Andy Louie, Kwakwaka'wakw First Nation
Regular price
Headdress depicting a Mosquito by Francis Horne, Coast Salish
Regular price
Panel depicting Wolf and Moon by Tim Alfred, Kwakwaka'wakw First Nations
Regular price
Portrait Mask depicting Woman with Labret by George Pennier, Coast Salish
Regular price
Portrait Mask depicting Eagle Warrior by Garry Wilson, Haisla
Regular price
Eagle Totem by Howard LaFortune Jr., Coast Salish
Regular price
Panel depicting Eagle by Jim Charlie, Coast Salish Nation
Regular price
Panel Depicting Wolf by Chief Peter Smith, Kwakwaka'wakw Nation
Regular price
Drum with Frog Crest Design by Ken Mowatt, Gitksan
Regular price
Vintage Pugwis (Sea Monster) Mask by George Hunt Jr., Kwakwaka'wakw
Regular price
Portrait Mask depicting Warrior, 1995 by Francis Mark, Nuu-Chah-Nulth
Regular price
Paddle depicting Killer Whale and Raven by Tim Alfred, Kwakwaka'wakw First Nation
Regular price
Paddle depicting Killer Whale and Salmon by Tim Alfred, Kwakwaka'wakw First Nation
Regular price
Bowl Depicting Wolf by Ray Wadhams, Kwakwaka’wakw
Regular price
Bowl Depicting Grandfather Eagle by Norman Charlie, Squamish
Regular price
Grizzly Bear Totem by Gino Seward, Coast Salish and Kwakwaka’wakw
Regular price
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