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Northwest Coast
Northwest Coast
Prints and Paintings
Northwest Coast Other
Pottery and Textiles
Fetish and Animal Carvings
Southwest Other
Arctic Art
Arctic Art
Antler and Bone Carvings
Ivory Carvings
Soapstone Carvings
Inuit Prints
Wood Carvings
Perry Private Collection
Historic and Vintage
Contemporary Art
Contemporary Art
Greg A. Robinson, Chinook Nation
Mexican and Latin American
Southwest Jewelry
Northwest Jewelry
Arctic Jewelry
Mexican Jewelry
Other Jewelry
Consignment Information
Consignment Information
Consignment Information
Rose Estate Collection
Sterett Estate Collection
Hanson Private Collection: Session I
Hanson Private Collection: Session II
Beckman Private Collection
Now Online and By Appointment! Contact us at or 503-810-7525
Northwest Coast
Prints and Paintings
Northwest Coast Other
Pottery and Textiles
Fetish and Animal Carvings
Southwest Other
Arctic Art
Antler and Bone Carvings
Ivory Carvings
Soapstone Carvings
Inuit Prints
Wood Carvings
Perry Private Collection
Historic and Vintage
Contemporary Art
Greg A. Robinson, Chinook Nation
Mexican and Latin American
Southwest Jewelry
Northwest Jewelry
Arctic Jewelry
Mexican Jewelry
Other Jewelry
Consignment Information
Consignment Information
Rose Estate Collection
Sterett Estate Collection
Hanson Private Collection: Session I
Hanson Private Collection: Session II
Beckman Private Collection
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Historic and Vintage
20 Dibujos de Jose Clemente Orozco
A Zuni Girl Edward Curtis
Acoma Canteen
Acoma Pot
Acoma Pottery
Ahote Kachina
Alaskan Artifact
Alaskan Soapstone Carving
Aleut Kayak with Figures
Alfredo Zalce Mexico
American Indain Beadwork
American Indian Basket
Antique Aleut Art
Antique Aleut Kayak
Antique American Indian Basket
Antique American Indian Pottery
Antique Bead Purse
Antique Beaded Bag
Antique Cedar Basket
Antique Eskimo Art
Antique Eskimo Kayak
Antique Indian Basket
Antique Kachina
Antique Kewa Pot
Antique Lillooet Basket
Antique Mexican Cross
Antique Mexican Religious Art
Antique Mexican Silver
Antique Native American Basket
Antique Native American Beadwork
Antique Native American Pottery
Antique Pictorial Basket
Antique Plateau Beaded Bag
Antique Salish Basket
Antique Santo Domingo Pot
Antique Silver Box
Antique Tsimshian Basket
Antique Zuni Pot
Arctic Art
Arctic Artist
Arctic basket
arctic basketry
Arctic ivory carving
Arturo Garcia Bustos
Ballad of the Streetcar
Beaded Purse
Berry Basket
Blue Seed Beads
Bone Artifact Peru
Catedral de la Habana Leopoldo Mendez
Cedar Bark Basket
Cedar Basket
Chancay Art
Chancay Culture
Chancay Jaguar
Chancay Pot
Chancay Pottery Vessel
Chavin Artifact
Chavin Bone Spatula
Chavin Culture
Chavin hallucinogenic powder
Chavin Utensil
Chinook Regalia
Chippewa Beadwork
Clayoquot Girl Edward S. Curtis
Coast Salish Carving
Cochiti Pottery Figure
Columbia River Artifact
Columbia River Basket
Columbia River Basketry
Columbia River Regalia
Congreso Continental Americano Por La Paz
Cornhusk Bag
Corrido de los Tranvias
Cowichan Carving
Cowlitz Basket
Cree Beadwork
Cristo Negro
Crucifix with Black Christ
David Alfaro Siqueiros
Dentalium Shell Regalia
Diego Rivera
E. Seymour
Edward S. Curtis Photogravure
El Buen Mais Fanny Rabel
El Taller De Grafica Popular
Elk Artwork
Elsie Thomas
Eskimo Basket
Eskimo Blanket Toss carving
Eskimo Ivory Cribbage Board
Eskimo Polar Bear Carving
Eskimo Soapstone Carving
Eskimo Walrus Ivory Carving
Ethnographic Artifact
Fanny Rabel Mexico
Figured Basket
First Nation Art
First Nation Basketry
First Nation Beadwork
First Nation Carving
First Nation Model Pole
First Nation Paddle
First Nation Quill Work
First nations Art
Flathead Beaded Vest
Flathead Beading
Flathead Beadwork
Flower Artwork
Flower Beadwork
Fossil Ivory Carving
Fossil Ivory Polar Bear
Ganaremos La Paz Si Luchamos Por Ella
Geometric Beaded Bag
George Hunt Carving
George Hunt Jr. Kwakwaka'wakw
Grabado de Mexico
Grandmother Kachina
Grandmother Katsina
Grass Basket
Harry Schooner Bella Coola
Helen Cordero Cochiti
Helen Hardin
Henry Hunt Kwakwaka'wakw
Historic Kachina
Historic Katsina
Historic Kewa Pot
Historic Native American Photo
Historic Native American Pottery
Historic Northwest Coast Photo
Historic Santo Domingo Pot
Historic Zuni Pot
Hooper Bay Basket
Hopi Kachina
Hopi Pueblo
Hupa Basket
Hupa Hat
Inuit Mother and Child
Inuit Soapstone Carving
Inuit Soapstone Sculpture
Inupiaq basketry
Isabel Rorick
Ivory Seal Carving
Jaguar Pot
Jessie Garcia Acoma
Jose Chavez Morado
Jose Clemente Orozco
Karok Basket
Kewa Olla
Klickitat Basket
Kwakwaka'wakw Art
Kwakwaka'wakw Carving
Kwakwaka'wakw Mask
Kwakwaka'wakw Pugwis Mask
Kwakwaka'wakw Sea Monster Mask
La Risa Del Pueblo
Lawyer Nez Perce Edward Curtis
Leather Bag with Fringe
Leopoldo Medez
Leopoldo Mendez
Leopoldo Mendez Artist
Leopoldo Mendez Mexico
Lisa Telford
Lucy Lewis Acoma
Maggie Kadanaha
Makah Basket
Mariana Yompolski
Marie Chino Acoma
Marie Slockish
Mary Schlick
Matl Poulat
Mexican Animal Mask
Mexican Art
Mexican Broadside
Mexican Bull Mask
Mexican Bull MaskMexican Toro Mask
Mexican Crucifix
Mexican Folk Art Mask
Mexican Linocut Print
Mexican Linoleum Cut Print
Mexican Political Poster
Mexican Political Print
Mexican Print
Mexican Print of Child
Mexican Prints
Mexican Religious Art
mexican silver
Mexican Silver Box
Mexican Social Justice Print
Mexican Woodblock Print
Micmac Cigar Case
Mike Kadanaha
Milagro of Foot
Milagro of Leg
Milagro of Throat
Milagro of Torso
Mi’kmaq Birch Bark Case
Model Totem Pole
Native American Art
Native American Artifact
Native American Basket
Native American Beadwork
Native American Gauntlets
Native American Pottery
Native American Quill Work
Native American Regalia
Native American Tourist Art
Navajo rug
Navajo textile
Navajo Weaving
Nettie Kuneki
Nez Perce
Nez Perce Photograph
Nez Perce Warrior Photogravure
Niños de Mexico Fanny Rabel
Niños de Mexico Portfolio
Nootka Basket
Northern California Basketry
Northwest Basket
Northwest Coast
Northwest Coast Art
Northwest Coast Basket
Northwest Coast Basketry
Northwest Coast Bella Bella
Northwest Coast Carving
Northwest Coast Cedar Bark Hat
Northwest Coast Codfish Lure
Northwest Coast Dzonokwa
Northwest Coast Eagle
Northwest Coast Halibut Hook
Northwest Coast Killer Whale
Northwest Coast Mask
Northwest Coast Model Pole
Northwest Coast Orca
Northwest Coast Paddle
Northwest Coast Potlatch Carving
Northwest Coast Sea Wolf
Northwest Coast Totem
Northwest Coast Totem Pole
Northwest Coast Wolf
Northwest Native American Basket
Nuu-Chah-Nulth Basket
Nuu-Chah-Nulth Rain Hat
Nuu-Chah-Nulth Whaling Hat
Nuvakchin Kachina
Ojibwe Banodolier Bag
Ojibwe Beadwork
Old Style Hopi Kachina
Orange Seed Beads
Parfleche Box
Pat Courtney Gold
Personal Courage is Not Enough
Peru Clay Pot
Peruvian Artifact
Peruvian Ceramic
Pictorial Beaded Bag
Pima Basket
Plains Indian Beadwork
Plains Indian Hide Art
Plains Indian Parfleche
Plateau Basket
Plateau Beaded Bag
Plateau Beaded Bag Geometric
Plateau Beaded Bag with Roses
Plateau Beaded Purse
Plateau Beadwork
Plateau Parfleche
Portfolio 11 Edward S. Curtis
Portfolio 8 Nez Perce
Pot with Frog Effigies
Primrose Adams
Puget Sound Basket
Quinault Basket
Salish Basket
Salish Model Totem Pole
Santa Clara Pueblo
Santo Domingo Olla
Seal Gut Coat
Seattle model totem pole
Simon Charlie Carver
Simon Charlie Cowichan
Soapstone Carving of Hunters
South American Artifact
Southwest Art
Southwest Basket
Southwest Kachina
Southwest Pot
Southwest Pottery
Southwest Print
Spratling Silver Box
Storm Pattern Navajo Rug
Storyteller Doll
Taller de Grafica Popular
Taxco Silver Box
Taxco Silver Jewelry
TGP Print
The Laughter of the People Zalce
The North American Indian
Thompson River Basket
Tin Milagro
Tlingit Art
Tlingit Carving
Tlingit Paddle
Tlingit Potlatch Figure
Tlingit Totem Pole
Tsimshian First Nation
Twined Cedar Basket
Two Girls Making Rope Leopoldo Mendez
Valor Personal No Es Suficiente
Van Gelder Paper
Veracruz Bull Mask
Veracruz Toro Mask
Vintage Cochiti Pottery
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Carving
Vintage Inuit Soapstone Carving
Vintage Inupiaq Walrus Ivory Carving
Vintage Ivory Cribbage Board
Vintage Ivory Totem Pole
Vintage Kachina
Vintage Katsina
Vintage Linocut Print
Vintage Mexican Broadside
Vintage Mexican Mask
Vintage Mexican Milagro
Vintage Mexican Poster
Vintage Mexican Print
Vintage Model Totem Pole
Vintage Native American Basket
Vintage Native American Beaded Vest
Vintage Native American Beadwork
Vintage Native American Photography
Vintage Nez Perce Photography
Vintage Northwest Coast Art
Vintage Northwest Coast Mask
Vintage Northwest Coast Paddle
Vintage Plateau Beaded Bag
Vintage Polar Bear Carving
Vintage Southwest Photography
Vintage Taxco Silver
Vintage Yup'ik Ivory Carving
Walrus Ivory Carving
Walrus Ivory Cribbage Board
Walrus Ivory Dancer
Walrus Ivory Drummer
Wasco Basketry
Wasco Sally Bag
We Will Win Peace If We Fight For It
William Spratling
Woodland Quill Work
Woodlands Art
Woodlands Beaded Pouch
Woodlands Beadwork
Woodlands Birch Bark Case
Woodlands Gauntlets
Woven Doll
Yakama Beaded Bag
Yup'ik Baket
Yup'ik Blanket Toss
Yup'ik Carving
Yup'ik Ivory Carving
Yup'ik Walrus Ivory Carving
Yup'ik Walrus Ivory Cribbage Board
Yurok Basket
Zuni Maiden
Zuni Pot with Frog
Zuni Pueblo
111 products
Best Selling
Alphabetically, A-Z
Alphabetically, Z-A
Price, low to high
Price, high to low
Date, new to old
Date, old to new
Yakima Beaded Bag with Elk Family, c. 1940
Regular price
Double Sided Beaded Bag with Elk and Flowers, c. 1940
Regular price
Plateau Beaded Bag depicting Woman in Regalia, c. 1940
Regular price
Vintage Double Sided Purse, c. 1950, Woodlands Beadwork
Regular price
Vintage Gauntlets, c. 1950, Woodlands Beadwork
Regular price
Berry Basket with Rose Designs by Elsie Thomas (1910-2007), Klickitat
Regular price
Historic Lillooet First Nation Basket, c. 1880
Regular price
Quinault Basket with Geometric Design, c. 1920
Regular price
Basketry Pouch c. 1920, Tlingit
Regular price
Yup'ik Basket with Cross Designs, c. 1960
Regular price
Vintage Basketry Bowl, Pima
Regular price
Lawyer - Nez Perce, 1905 Original Photogravure by Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
Regular price
Nez Percé Warrior, 1905 by Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
Regular price
A Zuni Girl, 1903 Original Photogravure by Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
Regular price
Clayoquot Girl, 1915 by Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)
Regular price
Vintage Pugwis (Sea Monster) Mask by George Hunt Jr., Kwakwaka'wakw
Regular price
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